Our experience of life is dependent on our perception of life, and our perception is determined by our level of awareness. We project our awareness out onto the world around us, which in essence, reflects back to us a view of our self. If we are anxious, we will experience life as being the cause of that anxiety. If we are ambitious and competitive, our view is likely to be of a dog eat dog world – as within, so without. We all see life differently because our state of awareness is personal to us, and so we all have a different perception.
We see what we expect to see. If an aspect of our inner state of being, our level of awareness, is that life is a painful struggle, we are unlikely to see, or experience, its abundant nature. Further, it has been shown scientifically that we influence what we see: that the observer affects the observed. An angry observer will have a different influence than a loving one, whether the observed be a plant or a person.
It could be said that life is purely random, that it just happens. However, as we become more aware, as our understanding deepens, we begin to realise that there is some kind of pattern, intelligence, consciousness, divine influence behind the expression of life. The words that we use to describe it don‘t really matter, the point is that we start to become aware that there is more to life than that which we can perceive through the body’s physical senses.
Every-thing is an expression of the perfection and beauty of the truth of life – the empty void, oneness, no-thing-ness. It is humanities ignorance that prevents us from seeing that beauty and wonder in all things, including ourselves.
When you look at the tree what do you see? Is it a tree and that’s it? Perhaps you see something that can be cut down and made into useful things such as timber for building, firewood, or paper. Maybe you also appreciate that it’s an important aspect of our environment, that it converts carbon dioxide into oxygen and provides food and shelter for multitudes of insects, mammals and birds. Can you see the miracle of life that has developed from a seed into the mighty tree that has stood against the severest storms for hundreds of years? Do you marvel at its ability to absorb the light of the sun and the nutrients from the earth, and to transform that energy to grow? If you put your hands upon it, can you feel its energy flow within you? Can you see how it connects all that is within, upon and above the earth? Can you ‘hear’ the lessons that it holds for us about life itself, or open to the no-thing-ness common to all and naturally expressed by the tree?
Go to a tree, spend a little time there and see what comes. Quietly observe the glory of nature – it will reflect back many aspects of yourself, and if you open to its wonder, it has much to teach. The tree, the rock, the bird, other people – all things are made of the same energy, they are all manifestations of the unity of life – at the core of all things in matter is the same oneness. That is the reality, the truth. When we see anything but that, we’re being limited by our own delusions.
When we really look, everything that is a part of life teaches us about life itself; and everything is a part of life! We can skim the surface and see life as a random thing that occurs and happens to us; that we survive it for a period of time and then we die, or we can see that there is some kind of consistency in life, something that’s much deeper, something that’s trying to be recognized, acknowledged and brought into awareness.
“The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realise their relationship, their oneness with the universe and all its powers, and when they realise that at the centre of the universe dwells the Great Spirit, and that its centre is really everywhere, it is within each of us.” Black Elk, Oglala Lakota holy man (1863-1950)
As we become more aware of that depth, we can experience what’s known as the mystical tradition – the mystery of life. To the Native Americans it was known as The Great Mystery, and it can be experienced in many ways. One of the most obvious are the occurrence of synchronicities in life, which were first described in the West during the 1920’s by Carl Jung, the Swiss psychologist. A synchronicity is the experience of a number of events coinciding, of coming together in a meaningful way.
Synchronicities happen all the time, so watch out for them. To begin with, stop using the word coincidence as if it implies some random occurrence – “Oh, it was just a coincidence…” No, it was two or more events coinciding, coming together as part of the harmonious perfection of life. Attune and align with these energies, wake up to the perfection and flow with it; life becomes far more pleasant and fulfilling when we do. Be observant of the patterns that you experience in life, and be open and receptive. Try to allow yourself to move with the flow of life, rather than swimming against it. Trust, and watch how it unfolds perfectly. When you begin to be aware of the synchronicities, you will realise that they are happening all the time. How could they not, life is perfect – so align with that perfection.