The natural world is teaching us about ourselves and about life all the time. To become aware of the lesson we just need to open our eyes and look to the teacher – still the chattering mind by being mindfully aware of what is: aware of our relationship with life in each moment through our senses, movements, emotions, thoughts, and sensations. It is this which opens the door to understanding.
The lessons of nature, of life, are personal to each of us; we all perceive life through our own unique filters, and our interpretation of what we see depends on our state of awareness at that moment. Observing the same phenomena might teach us one thing one day and something completely different the next. To learn, to grow in awareness of truth, we must remain open to all possibilities and try not to be conditioned by past experiences. There is no right or wrong, no good or bad, and there are no rules.
Because we all see life differently, what touches you won’t necessarily touch me. What works on one day, might not work the next. Just try to be open to the deeper reality of all that life brings. Everything has something to teach us, so try cultivating a new relationship with life by asking questions such as, “What is life showing me at this moment?”, or “What is life teaching me now?” – Particularly when something unusual or unexpected happens.
And just see what comes, what insights or inspiration you receive. Doing so with sincerity, from the heart, helps us to open to the deeper and wondrous truths of life.