Greg Horner | 1-to-1 Healing
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1-to-1 Healing

1-to-1 Healing

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Whatever challenges you may be facing; perhaps regarding your spiritual unfoldment, fears or anxieties, issues with relationships, past trauma, realising your life’s purpose and expression, your mental or emotional well-being, or workplace concerns. Whatever it may be, I would welcome the opportunity to help you to inspire and empower yourself, to heal old wounds, let go of the past, and transform those challenges as you deepen into the realisation of your true nature – to be joyful and at peace in the present, whatever the circumstances of your life.


I would help to facilitate this by working intuitively, shamanically, and by offering guidance on mindfulness, meditation, and other practices to assist your empowerment and spiritual awakening.


A one-off session costs £70, is via Zoom or Skype, and lasts for 90 minutes. If required, subsequent appointments are £60 for the same period. However, if you are receiving benefits, there is no set charge – donations are at your discretion.


To book an appointment, or for further information, please email 




“Working with you is a spiritual adventure. Wholehearted and true. Inspirationally calm, your listening skills are cross-dimensional, making the journey to one’s truth a supported one” SLS


“You have the ability to hold me in a compassionate safe space and can access amazing knowledge and wisdom to share, which are game changers. I have felt incredibly blessed to have you guide me and journey to help heal my wounds. To be truly seen, honoured and met is such sacred work. I’ve had profound and life changing results from working with you. You have a natural gift.” DH


“Our sessions have been life changing. You have helped me on a path to finding my inner power. When life felt very dark you helped me look for and find the light, time after time. I couldn’t have got through the past year without your help. You never give me the answers, frustratingly! But that’s a good thing, instead you help me find the answers myself, which gives me a sense of control and confidence. You are a very gifted healer and counsellor. I’m eternally grateful to your continued guidance and support.” AC


“Thanks so much for today Greg. You gave me so much in our session. It was incredibly illuminating & it was lovely to connect with you. SP


“The healing sessions have a magical quality and a capacity to get to the root of an issue, thus bringing understanding and resolution. You are one of the most genuine people I know and work with amazing compassion and sincerity. The mindfulness practices you have taught me have helped my own awareness to grow and have proved invaluable in times where the path of life has been rocky. The gift of meditation practice has been truly precious. Thank you Greg for you have a generous spirit and a profound gift of healing.” MD


“Greg exudes kindness, compassion, wisdom and strength. I’ve worked with him in both group settings and on a 1-1 basis. When I reached out for assistance, I was experiencing one of the darkest times of my life and Greg held a light to guide me through. He was born to shine a light in the dark and is the most steadfast guide when the path is rocky. Not only offering his light but helping you to find your own.

Our sessions would often be collaborative and resulted in some truly memorable insights, awareness and healing. There is no ego with Greg, if you want to jump in with your own intuition during a session, it is welcomed. I will never be able to find the words to express how very thankful I am to have found Greg. This world truly is a better place with you in it. Thank you so, so much.” JM


“At times trauma is both roadblock and illusion, and perceiving the light feels unfathomable when smothered by darkness. Senses are stifled, and the grip of fear is all consuming. Working with Greg has allowed me to discover my true nature outside of my pain, and my baseline that’s not desecrated by a warped perception. I also appreciate the symbiotic nature of the light and dark, and how cyclical it can be, and therefore nothing to be afraid of. Often at times when we touch the light, we illuminate what lies among the shadows as a consequence, and it’s very easy to become disoriented as though flung off a tightrope; disillusioned. Easy does it, with gentle and loving guidance demonstrated by Greg. He has taught me to understand my patterns of behaviour of making something wrong or right, along with subtleties that feed the habit of limitation.

Awareness, I have learnt, is my true ally. In awareness, we let go, because we don’t force things to be another way. Awareness is true freedom. Awareness of the pain, trauma responses, what makes us uncomfortable and upset, and there we discover what fuels them. 

Greg has a gift in helping others heal, freeing us from the burden and responsibility of the ripple effects caused by trauma. Awareness, nothing more. I speak on a soul level, with gratitude and love flowing freely in abundance from my heart chakra when I say I think it a blessing that I found Greg, and I am honoured to have his presence in my life helping guide me towards my true nature.” SM


“You have helped me to navigate and understand what has been without doubt the most difficult period of my life. In our sessions, you have created a safe, reflective, and truly healing space for me to explore the challenges I’ve experienced and what they have meant for me physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and in the wider context of my life and relationships. Working with you has been a truly magical experience and has helped me to feel a renewed sense of peace, connection, self-identity, and purpose that I feared I had lost. You are a gifted, natural intuitive who works at all times with compassion and wisdom, supporting me to make powerful connections and to re-awaken to the beauty and freedom all around me and within me, even in the darkest of times. Whatever blocks I need to work through to grow and move forwards, you offer insights, inspiration, and an incredibly transformational energy to empower me to understand them and transmute them. This process has meant so much to me”. JW


“Thank you for the beautiful healing session today, I was a bit astounded at the end as there was so much healing guidance in the session. 

As soon as the call ended there was a big energy shift in the sacral and the throat, I then sat in the peace that the healing created for about an hour and wanted to stay there all day.

In the afternoon I ended up going to bed for a few hours as I felt that I just needed to lie down, and again there was a lot of energy shifts and letting go on many levels, physically and energetically.

Thank you Greg.”  JS


“Having a session with you Greg is a wonderful gift. Your attention to detail, your authenticity and devotion to truth, all leads me, as the client, to relax and absolutely trust in the process. I am aware of feeling so much stronger and more present now, aware more quickly when I am off centre, and your suggestion about meditation with the light into the heart has been very helpful. It feels like an honour to work with you, thank you.” JM


“You are a truly phenomenal practitioner, intuitive healer and teacher. During our one-to-one sessions l have always felt safe in the space you hold, in which you are always present and really listen. You have an amazing ability to move through energetic layers, see beyond, and access the other dimensions to bring back whatever is needed at that moment for healing. 

I find it fascinating how you can find connections and then translate what has presented itself within my session, piecing everything together like a jigsaw puzzle so l can then understand myself more. I feel so much gratitude for the stillness, peace and reconnection to my own heart that l have received through my sessions with you.” RD 


“… I can see the positive changes and awareness increase in my day to day, moment by moment life. Your solid manner, calmness and friendly nature provides an authentic experience which allows the sessions to flow. You are very perceptive at homing in on what’s important in regard to key themes, blocks, patterns, and any other areas that may require healing. Throughout the session you pass on great wisdom and insights which I find beneficial for my growth, and the healing is a powerful and enlightening experience that feels truly liberating”.  LG


“…..When we first started, I was extremely stressed and having disturbing experiences that I thought would never end. We did some work on closing those of a psychic nature which resulted in most voices and images stopping. This was a great relief as I was struggling to function. We also did some journey work which offered insight and clarity on issues I had struggled with for a long time, and it helped with letting go. We also worked on psychic protection and grounding which has helped me stay stable and have a deeper connection to self. Your caring nature put me at ease, and you answered my questions with insight and wisdom. We have worked at a deep level and although it’s not counselling, I have found you offer wonderful counsel on life’s issues. Also, I don’t feel judged, so I can begin to look at more painful material and the feelings surrounding these are starting to ease. It’s helped me to take some major steps and I have now gone back to studying, which I didn’t think I would be capable of doing before the work.”   KW


”I began working with you during a turbulent period in my life. Your guidance was invaluable on my road to recovery. I always felt relaxed and comfortable during our sessions. The work we did together was life changing. Thank you so much for all the help and care you gave me”. RC


“Thank you so so much for your sincere and loving approach in your work.” SK
