Greg Horner | Empowerment
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Know who you are – be who you are – love who you are

empowermentTrue power is within us all; it is to know who we truly are. That truth has become obscured by the imbalances caused by our experiences and traumas over many lifetimes, but it is still there – it will always be there – and to regain our awareness of it: to consciously embody the still, peaceful, compassionate, power within – without fear or concern, whatever the circumstances we face – just requires that we awaken to the power that lies at the core of our being, that we reawaken to our true nature.

The more aware we are of who we really are, the more empowered we become. The more empowered we are, the less we experience fear, anxiety, stress, anger, frustration, or any other disturbing emotions, and the more we become aware of the love, peace, and inner joy of our true nature.