Greg Horner | Walking Together
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Walking Together

Let’s walk together

you and I;

shoulder to shoulder,

side by side.



we’ll realise the courage

to open our hearts

to all that we encounter

on this journey

called life.


Wherever we go,

whatever we do,

whoever we meet,

whatever we say,

let’s do so with love.


Laugh or cry,

sing or whisper,

dance or walk,

let’s do so with love.


Stepping gently,

let us share of ourselves:

express from the heart,

be open to all,

the judge of none –

no good or bad,

no right or wrong,

no friend or foe.


Without seeking profit or fearing loss,

all barriers fall

as we give and receive

in transactions of love.


When we share in this joy 

come rain, sun, wind, or snow,

fair weather or storm,

no clouds of illusion can obscure The Way

as we walk together

happy and free.


It matters not, if we ever meet –

we don’t need the presence of the body;

just the presence of mind – a stillness within that’s empty of thought;

for it’s this that allows hearts to open

and bring us together,



We shall know one another

not from sight or memories past,

with their judgements: praises and blame,

but from intuitively knowing

that in this moment

we both walk the path with hearts open.


Be it for an instant or a day,

until death or beyond,

we will know the truth of the other,

we will know the truth of the self:

that there’s no difference between you and I –

all things connect,

everything’s One;

a closed heart just doesn’t know that.


Who you are and who I am, it really just doesn’t matter:

you, could be I, them, or us,

walk on two legs or four,

fly or crawl on your belly,

move or always be still,

an animal, vegetable, or mineral.


Because, in truth,

there is no you,

there is no I, them, or us:

all is One,

One is all –

all is life.


So, let us open our hearts,

move forward in love,

all walking together

as the One we are